OfficeObjects® Document Manager

OfficeObjects®DocumentManager provides an application platform for development and operations of business processes. The platform integrates all OfficeObjects® tools and it provides a repository of information objects comprised in the respective use cases. A comprehensive API publishes all the basic repository functions and, together with the OfficeObjects®WorkFlow product, serves as an integration platform for legacy applications. The repository object attributes may include any configuration of binary files compliant with the requirements of the host operating system, i.e. MS Windows or Linux, that may be processed native applications or presented by the OfficeObjects®FileViewer module.

The information objects classes are defines according to the requirements of use cases appearing in the application domain context. Metadata associated with an object class provides a provides the basis for information object search and categorization. Such capabilities are also exploited by the semantic modeling tools provided by the OfficeObjects®OntologyManager functionality. Semantic repository models comply with the UML Data Diagram notation integrating with the respective graphic tools via the XMI notation. The user graphic interface comprises the metadata, displayed by the dynamic electronic forms, as well as operations data pertaining information objects’ lifer cycles.

The repository information objects may be grouped with the use of higher level structures, such as folders or case files as well as automatically maintained object registers. These capabilities, combined with the rich features of the information object class definition facility, are the foundation of a functionally complete and robust low code engine.

The information objects integrity, as well as that of the underlying workflow processes, is the primary constraint of the OfficeObjects®DocumentManager repository. A comprehensive user authorization model has been implemented on the basis of the OfficeObjects® ontological to support a flexible user authorization model as well as the repository data integrity constraints.